Okay so we are starting a new beginning. I remember a time when I could blog care-free, now I have to look over my shoulder and retrace my web-based steps to make sure that I am not leaving a trail to my blog. I want readers, just not the readers I want. Anywho, I'm grown, I can say what I please as I please. SO it's been a while since I've done this blogging thing. I gotta get back in the swing of things.TRUST ME, I have missed my internet audience something fierce! But I know that the right one's will follow me and continue their subscriptions.
Anywho, Smurf wants back in my life. I guess it's just pure coincidence that he got fired from Marriott. Now all of a sudden he wants to be interested in me? I don't play that kind of game. I am really seeking happiness... and I hope that I find it soon. I always seem to take interest in the wrong boys. I hate to admit it but Micah is ALWAYS right when it comes to my relationships. He can tell how it's gonna go before I even know it. And I'm always getting the dreaded 4 words: I Told You So. I hope it's not like that this time with DH. I mean, I def. shouldn't be talking to him, but what do i have to lose? I'm not sleeping with him, so what's the harm? I need to be more careful when it comes to matters of the heart though. As much as I swear that I am looking for love, in reality I've been using men. I dont intend to in the beginning, but it always ends up happening.
I really needed a pace to vent. Hopefully you guys will welcome my naivete and want for advice with open arms. I am all ears and I hope that this can be the start of a long, beautiful friendship. I write poetry, so I ask that you read and offer any advice to me on that as well. I am a registered member of Mrafrica.us. If you are an avid poetry writer/reader, you need to be a member of that site. There are published authors on that site as well, that is great inspiration for up-and-coming poets.
anywho, I'm getting tired and need to go to bed, so i'll holla at you guys later. LOVE YOU!